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 Quitting all MMORPGs

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Forum Berserker
Forum Berserker

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PostSubject: Quitting all MMORPGs   Quitting all MMORPGs Icon_minitimeSat Oct 11, 2008 5:44 pm

I've decided I'm going to quit MMORPGs altogether =/

I totally understood what you guys meant about Nos being frustrating/crap/etc etc, but it wasn't a total flop, so I thought that if we could all stay together, we could ignore how crappy it was and just enjoy the game >.<. But with all of you guys leaving it's becoming increasingly harder to become optimistic about the game =.=. Also, I've recently tried upgrading my warrior card on Zion's account (he has Nosdollars) but I keep failing when everyone else got it on their first go, uber unfairness x_x Like +6 on War only succeeded on my 11th go whereas someone else got it on their first go, wtf? I wasted 5.5mil when they only wasted 500K for the same thing x_x That didn't bother me to much at first, but all my other grades have failed several times too, and it's becoming increasingly shitty to save a mil all week, only to see it go in like 10secs of two failed upgrades -.-'

Another reason I kept with Nos was because I had gotten so far. Uni is incredibly time-consuming especially if you're doing medicine, and since I failed an exam before the summer holidays, I honestly can't afford to mess up this year. That's why I've pretty much been living in uni and playing Nos for like 1-2hours a day (most of the day on weekends). Having a high-ish lvl character means it's relatively easy to get by even though I'm not playing very often. Plus, knowing I have put so much effort into Kateri makes me not want to stop playing with her. If I was to start a new MMORPG it'd take forever for me to lvl because I barely have any free time atm, and you guys are generally on when I'm asleep (3am every time I manage to catch Ari or Xri on Yahoo x_x). So the slow pace will feel tedious and only make me want to start playing with Kateri again >.< If we had decided to play another MMORPG earlier on - say at the begginning of the hols - then I would have had all of the hols to lvl up so that when I started uni I would be a high enough lvl to want to continue (if I was like lvl 30 on Nos atm, I would have stopped playing by now . . . lol).

But even though I don't want to stop playing with Kateri, the fact of the matter is that the game hates me >.< I fail all my upgrades pretty much and LoD is at a really shitty time for me. Plus, all my friends are leaving D: There's no incentive for me to stay anymore =/ I have to admit, I got slightly addicted to Nos, lol. Starting all over again in another game will be too difficult with how busy I am, so I don't see the point at all. Scions of Fate, Asda, Trickster and every other game I tried would have been good if I just had the time to properly try them out >.< So I guess this is goodbye to the world of MMORPGs from me =/. When I have more time I might play another MMORPG with you guys, but right now I think it's for the best that I don't >.<

Keep in touch guys =D

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Forum Ninja
Forum Ninja

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PostSubject: Re: Quitting all MMORPGs   Quitting all MMORPGs Icon_minitimeSat Oct 11, 2008 6:09 pm

even tho i knew about this a while ago it makes me really really sad>< i feel bad cause we kept wanting to leave nos and drag u along with us when we didnt even stay on the game for more then a month =[ and nos doesnt hate just u, it hates anyone without nosmall lol. as much as i dnt want u to stop playing MMOs it good that ur going to focus on uni, and we always have yahoo and txting when it doesnt cost much (like that will ever happen XD) we have to stay in touch with eachother everyday, idk how it will be if i didnt XD ur like my sister, u have helped me through guy trouble and ive told u more stuff then i have to my rl best friend XD when i first joined nos, i didnt think i would get really attatched to anyone, but who would have guessed i would have been glued to u XD its been so fun having our random times and training together. lol cnt forget that girls night we had in ur mini with u, me, xri, and tio XD point is that u have always been there for me when i needed a friend, and if u ever need me ill be here. friends forever

and dnt forget to IM me on yahoo!!!
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Forum Knight
Forum Knight

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PostSubject: Re: Quitting all MMORPGs   Quitting all MMORPGs Icon_minitimeSat Oct 11, 2008 6:49 pm

hm.. truely dont know what to say.. Its been fun =D I agree with MoMo O's, I truely don't know what I would have done with out you xD You kept me going for a while, when I was thinking about quiting, I'm kinda sad to see you go... I want your yahoo account >< I only got your MSN one... um... yea.. this is hard... I hope you, get back to normal? soon.. xD yea.. I know saying normal doesn't quite work out, but I can't think of any other word.. hm... what else to say.. T.T so much I would say, but can't think of it.. uhm... I guess this is the end, Cheers! >< Keep in touch! =P I'll stay up to chat when you can ><.. MISS YOU BUNCHES!! lol bunches, was about to say "MISS YOU BUNCHES OF OATHS" xD.. don't ask why... but I was.. *hugs*
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Forum Ninja
Forum Ninja

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PostSubject: Re: Quitting all MMORPGs   Quitting all MMORPGs Icon_minitimeSat Oct 11, 2008 6:57 pm

lmao enfana ur post made me laugh XD
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Forum Knight
Forum Knight

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PostSubject: Re: Quitting all MMORPGs   Quitting all MMORPGs Icon_minitimeSat Oct 11, 2008 7:05 pm

psh you laugh at my bunches of oats.. you dont get any now xD >< =P (And I dont got anywith me, hm.. haven't even tried them.)
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Forum Ninja
Forum Ninja

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PostSubject: Re: Quitting all MMORPGs   Quitting all MMORPGs Icon_minitimeSat Oct 11, 2008 7:06 pm

i dnt even like oats XD kat, do u like oats? lol
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Forum Berserker
Forum Berserker

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PostSubject: Re: Quitting all MMORPGs   Quitting all MMORPGs Icon_minitimeSat Oct 11, 2008 7:23 pm

Wth? You guys are spamming on my good bye thread?! Lmao!
And oats are . . . err . . . ok, lol.
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Forum Knight
Forum Knight

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PostSubject: Re: Quitting all MMORPGs   Quitting all MMORPGs Icon_minitimeSat Oct 11, 2008 7:24 pm

she started it
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Forum Ninja
Forum Ninja

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PostSubject: Re: Quitting all MMORPGs   Quitting all MMORPGs Icon_minitimeSat Oct 11, 2008 7:25 pm

and ur keeping it going XD anyway love ya kat!! gonna miss u!(not spam >D)
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Forum Berserker
Forum Berserker

Number of posts : 131
Registration date : 2008-05-21

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PostSubject: Re: Quitting all MMORPGs   Quitting all MMORPGs Icon_minitimeSat Oct 11, 2008 7:52 pm

Well, now that the spam has died . . . lol, time for my serious reply:

Aww, guys you make it should like we'll never speak to each other again T.T I'll keep in touch^^ It'll be hard without the common interest of an MMORPG, but not impossible^^

Yahoo - mountain_chinam@yahoo.co.uk
MSN - mountain_chinam@hotmail.co.uk
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Forum God
Forum God

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PostSubject: Re: Quitting all MMORPGs   Quitting all MMORPGs Icon_minitimeSun Oct 12, 2008 3:17 am

Now you will hopefully have a least a bit of understanding as to why we quit that game. It's all about scamming you into paying your money to their nosmall bullshit to upgrade your character. I agree with you 100% that school comes first, but it doesn't mean you can't play MMO's really, even if you have to start anew at them. Especially if you have a community of support to help you progress through the game. Most people would kill to have a good community of at least 6 or 7 people working together, because that's what makes games like this work out (except maybe WoW, 40 people for a raid "hhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!! .........")

Also, I like oats. <_<
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Forum Goddess
Forum Goddess

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PostSubject: Re: Quitting all MMORPGs   Quitting all MMORPGs Icon_minitimeSun Oct 12, 2008 4:24 am

Mmm oats, reminded me of strawberry oatmeal. Erm..anyway, what you've stated Kat is what we've been trying to tell everyone. We didn't want you guys to spend more time on Nos than you should have because it was utterly pointless. We've been there, done that, and wanted to spare you guys from the same disappointment Yeah having a near lvl 70 character might seem cool, but really what's the point of having one if the game you're playing stinks? There's no point to continue to invest precious time and effort on a character that's on a worthless game. The more time you spend on them, the more you're going to feel jipped in the end. It was just a matter of time before everyone we knew felt that disappointment Nos had to offer. Since we're use to playing MMOs we're not bothered about starting anew. In fact we look forward to it because we like trying new games. We have no regrets quitting Nos, nor all the other MMOs we've left since life goes on.

You may feel that restarting on another game would be too time consuming, and might be tempted to go back to the game where you have a higher leveled character, though just like everything in life, it requires effort and chance. Of course if you start a new game you have to create a fresh new character, that's the point. Each game has different game mechanics, and not all take a week for you to level, nor are they the same game-play wise.

I understand that you're busy Kat, and going to school can take up a lot of your time, though you shouldn't give up MMOs completely unless you completely abhor them now. Lol. Just play when you can, no game requires you to play 24/7. It's personal choice of how much you want to play. If you can only play once a week for 1-2hrs, that's fine. You shouldn't worry so much about purely leveling on ANY game, because that's not what MMOs should be about. Above anything else they're about having fun and entertainment value not "grind grind grind".

I'm probably not going to be playing much myself since I got a job at my former high school. (I'm basically like a security guard xD) I'll be working morning to afternoon, then I have evening classes. Though I don't plan on quitting playing MMOs any time soon because I'm that much of a gamer nerd. ^^ Besides, still looking forward to playing with you guys again.

I say take some time to do what you have to do Kat, but don't be so quick to quit MMOs if it's something you like. Everyone takes a break from playing games, though that doesn't mean you can't come back to them again. =]
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Forum Berserker
Forum Berserker

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PostSubject: Re: Quitting all MMORPGs   Quitting all MMORPGs Icon_minitimeSun Oct 12, 2008 8:51 am

Yeah I know what you guys mean. I'll probably hold of MMORPGs until I can spend money on them though since at some point you can't really get much out of them without spending some cash. But by then I might feel too old to play them anymore, lol.
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Forum Goddess
Forum Goddess

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PostSubject: Re: Quitting all MMORPGs   Quitting all MMORPGs Icon_minitimeSun Oct 12, 2008 4:33 pm

No way! You're never too old to play video games. I remember when we first got our Nintendo console back when I was like 3 year old, it was the only one my dad would play. He loved the Mario games and back when I lived at home I use to have all the Super Mario games on my CPU, and he use to play them as well. When it comes to video games, there are no age limits, just like movies. I love Disney movies, though some would consider them to be childish. My all-time favorite is the little mermaid. =]

As for spending money on any game, it's not really worth it, unless the item is really cheap. Though if a game requires you to spend any money, in order to get the best out of it, then there's no point in playing it. A dollar is worth more than whatever pixelated item a game has to offer. Hell you can buy a cheeseburger off McDonald's dollar menu with that and it would be more satisfying. >_>

Last edited by Xriadne on Sun Oct 12, 2008 5:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Forum God
Forum God

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PostSubject: Re: Quitting all MMORPGs   Quitting all MMORPGs Icon_minitimeSun Oct 12, 2008 5:01 pm

My dad is over 50 and he bought himself a Nintendo DS just to play the newer Super Metroid games on it, he even gives me calls on my cell phone to look up guides for him to play it. o_O
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Forum Knight
Forum Knight

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PostSubject: Re: Quitting all MMORPGs   Quitting all MMORPGs Icon_minitimeMon Oct 13, 2008 3:54 pm

xD Yea, my step-dad use to play vido games with me and my step bro.. well untill hes been to exausted from work ><... even then we still have a few days a year where we play some game (dont remember what it called) on our big screen tv as a faimly.. so turely no age limment xD (was about to say vl limment) anyways... I bet if my 83 84? year old grandfather wasnt so deppressed? after my great grandmother died.. and was in to normal times >< he'd be playing games with me...
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Forum Knight
Forum Knight

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PostSubject: Re: Quitting all MMORPGs   Quitting all MMORPGs Icon_minitimeFri Oct 17, 2008 5:03 pm

Aw, sorry to hear that you broke so much stuff in Nos.. I kind of expected this when I was lower levels... i was like without Nosmall, its pretty much uber hard to upgrade.. but with the awesome family active and Iris playing, I always had motives to play(well school made me slow down alot -_-...).. and sorry Kat I thought I could come back and a play bit but... the server hate me and I couldn't get in or fix the problem...
Anyways, it's sad to see you quit all games... but on the hand, it's good you are concentrating on school and in fact we are on the same boat lmao. Well, you can play a new game or whatever again when you are free-er!
Keep in contact Kat!!
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PostSubject: Re: Quitting all MMORPGs   Quitting all MMORPGs Icon_minitime

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